Get Involved with TANA
Engagement is an essential factor in making TANA successful. It plays an important part in achieving our goals. Member engagement by committees strengthens our programs and services -Â from a dynamic conference to a strong grassroots program - tell us where you want to get involved.
The Bylaws/Resolutions Committee:Â shall consider proposed amendments to the bylaws of TANA and resolutions and draft them in proper form for submission to the members at the Annual Meeting.
Bethany Seale, CRNA, Chair
John Asbury, CRNA
Jacqueline Breuer, SRNA
Katie Brown, CRNA
Katy Chmelicek, SRNA
Agatha Hoggins, SRNA
Russell Proffitt, CRNA
Committee Purpose: The TANA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Task Force is an ad hoc committee that began in fiscal year 2020, and further defined in 2021. It designs and implements initiatives, educational opportunities, and information for members that fosters cultural sensitivity, diversity, and inclusion for the nurse anesthesia profession. Recognizing that TANA members represent all demographics and practice in every setting in which anesthesia is delivered across the state, the TANA desires to integrate diversity and inclusion into the work of the TANA Board, and committees. Â
Colonel Sheila McCarley, CRNA, Chair Task Force
Mary Bernard, SRNA
Jacqueline Breuer, SRNA
Denitra Carter, SRNA
Hope Ferguson, CRNA
Vanessa Nickles, SRNA
Gorretti Onaghinor, SRNA
Education Committee:Â shall provide a channel of communication for the nurse anesthesia programs in the State of Tennessee, anesthesia students, and TANA, to provide improved communication, program enhancement and desire for active membership in TANA.Â
Julie Bonom, CRNA, ChairÂ
Dwayne Accardo, CRNAÂ
Jodi Carlsen, CRNA
Hope Ferguson, CRNA
Rusty Gentry, CRNAÂ
Linda Hill, CRNAÂ
Crystal Hunnicutt, CRNA
Leslie Miller, CRNA
Andrew Rice, CRNA
Lois Stewart, CRNA
Finance Committee:Â prepares both for presentation and for approval, the annual budget, in consultation with the Board, committee chairs and staff, and shall make recommendations for financing the long-range plans of TANA.Â
Carl Sisco, CRNA, Chair
Brad Avans, CRNA, Treasurer
Carl Sisco, CRNA, Chair
Katie Brown, CRNA
Corey Long, SRNA
Delia Rhinehart, CRNA
Government/Legislative Committee:Â shall work in collaboration with the TANA and AANA lobbying teams and TANA-PAC to address matters pertaining to legislation and regulations, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors on legislative positions, strategy and infrastructure related to successful government relations.
Jim Alberding, CRNA, Chair
Melissa Bakker, SRNA
Brittany Chesnut, SRNA
Kathleen Chmelicek, SRNA
Katie Cooper, CRNA
Devin Daffron, SRNA
Alan Davenport, CRNA
Mila Devineni, CRNA
Chris Hulin, CRNA
Jeff James, CRNA
Brian Julian, SRNA
Brad Koss, CRNA
Lisa Miller, CRNA
Rachel Murray, CRNA
Russell Proffitt, CRNA
Kayla Raines, SRNA
Meagan Serratt, CRNA
Emily Stewart, CRNA
Jerrod Weems, CRNA
Jennifer Williams, CRNA
Anastasiya Woodard, CRNA
Non Voting Member: Tausha Alexander: TANA Lobbyist & Political DirectorÂ
Samantha Dawson, CRNA, Chair
Maria Freeman, CRNA
Brittany Kemp, CRNA
Program Committee:Â shall plan, implement, monitor and manage the educational programs for TANA. The Program Committee shall coordinate and regularly communicate with the TANA Board of Directors in the planning and execution of the Annual Convention.
Brody White, CRNA, Chair
Kelcy Barsotti, CRNA
Jacqueline Breuer, SRNA
Jodi Carlsen, CRNA
Denitra Carter, SRNA
Linda Hill (UTC), CRNA
Sheila McCarley, CRNA
Rachel Nall, CRNA
Vanessa Nickles, SRNA
Gorretti Onaghinor, SRNA
Anastasiya Woodard, CRNA
Public Relations Committee:Â shall be responsible for the external communications and public relations of TANA. This committee shall stimulate good relations between the Nurse Anesthetists, members and external parties by disseminating pertinent information through all available channels including the official website, newsletters and approved social media outlets.
Steven Moon, SRNA, Chair
Jacqueline Breuer, SRNA
Jodi Carlsen, CRNA
Brittany Chesnut, SRNA
Mila Devineni, CRNA
Brad Koss, CRNA
Florence Nightingale, SRNA
Jerrod Weems, CRNA
Jennifer Williams, CRNA
TANA-PAC Committee:Â shall operate under separate charter and shall oversee the raising and collection of funds, and with input from the Government Relations Committee, the TANA lobbyist and the Board, shall oversee the distribution of those funds to support candidates and issues that further the purpose of TANA.
Jake Carroll, CRNA, Chair
Katie Brown, CRNA
Brittany Chesnut, SRNA
Katy Chmelicek, SRNA
Thomas Diller, CRNA
Hope Ferguson, CRNA
Alan Hendon, CRNA
RoyDell Herron, CRNA
Linda Hill, CRNA
Jordan Hollinshead, CRNA
Jeff James, CRNA
Matthew Kelly, SRNA
Kayla Raines, SRNA
Meagan Serratt, CRNA
Raleigh Todd, CRNA
Linda Walkowicz, CRNA
Suzanne Wehner, CRNA
Non Voting Member: Tausha Alexander: TANA Lobbyist & Political DirectorÂ
Wellness Committee: shall provide educational opportunities and programs that foster lifelong healthy behavioral decisions for TANA members. This committee shall recognize personal and professional risk factors and strive to address them, as well as focus on promoting a culture of physical, psychological and emotional well-being for CRNAs and SRNAs.
Crystal Hunnicutt, CRNA, Chair
Kayla Raines, SRNA