In 1982 the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) that later became know as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) revised the conditions of participation for ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) to require physician supervision of CRNAs and in 1986 revised the conditions of participation for hospitals to require supervision of CRNAs.

What are “Conditions of Participation”? These are the conditions that ASCs and hospitals must meet for reimbursement for providing services and care to Medicare patients under Part A of Medicare.

As you know there are three parts to Medicare.

  1. Part A is for facilities such as ASCs, hospitals and critical access hospitals.
  2. Part B is for providers such as physicians, CRNAs and other providers that are allowed to bill Medicare directly. There are no supervision requirements for physician supervision under Part B of Medicare.
  3. Part D which is prescription drugs.

Thank you,

Patty Cornwell, CRNA

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