TANA's 87th Annual Meeting

October 11-13, 2024 | Franklin, TN


With our deep roots and proven safety record in the state, CRNAs are a proud part of the history of excellent care and comfort to Tennesseans. Patients across the state hold nurse anesthesia in the highest regard, especially in the rural areas that comprise the vast majority of our state. That’s why the theme of this year’s annual meeting is resoundingly CRNAs: A Tennessee Tradition.

For 87 years, the Tennessee Association of Nurse Anesthetists has been the major professional organization uniting Tennessee CRNAs. In 2024, we celebrate these traditions with a new conference location in Franklin, as well as offering engaging topics on ultrasound, leadership, billing, and pharmacological approaches to enhance patient safety and care.

TANA’s hope is that you will join us in this weekend of learning, networking, and honoring CRNA leaders in Tennessee who are part of a longstanding tradition of excellence.

CRNAs and Tennessee: You could say we go together like moon and pie, biscuits and gravy, or banana and pudding. Only better!

Join us October 11-13 in Franklin for the 87th Annual Meeting of TANA.

This program has been prior approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiologists for 19.25 Class A CE credits; Code 1044964;  Expiration date 10/13/2024. AANA designates this program as meeting the criteria for up to 3.00 CE Credits in pharmacology/therapeutics. 

Our Platinum Partners



Registration is now closed but will be available onsite.

Network with colleagues from across the state

Learn from highly regarded speakers in our profession

Engage with exhibitors

Our College Bowl Sponsor

Our SRNA Luncheon Sponsor

Location + Lodging

Our meeting is being held at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs.

700 Cool Springs Blvd
Franklin, TN 37067
Get Directions


Our Premier Partners

Agenda Preview

Download the PDF version of this year's Final Agenda.

Friday, October 11

Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork: Office Based Teams and Fertility Anesthesia
Intraoperative Hypotension (IOH): Are Providers the Problem?
Student Poster Sessions
DEI 2024! Now WHAT?!
Incorporating Wellness in the Workplace: Panel Discussion
Current Updates in Treating PONV- New Modalities

Saturday, October 12

Anesthesia Considerations with Airway, Gastric and Pulmonary Ultrasound
Perioperative Use of the Focused Assessed Transthoracic Echocardiography (FATE) Exam
Are You at the Table or On the Menu: How to Effectively Educate & Advocate in the Legislative Arena
AANA Update
TASNA Student Meeting
State Legislative Update
Anesthesia Billing: How Does It Work? How Much Am I Generating?
TANA’s Annual Dr. Donald Bell, CRNA College Bowl

Sunday, October 13

ACLS/PALS/BLS Recertification Course
Drugs of Abuse
Leadership from the Start
Cognitive Dysfunction: Anesthesia’s Silent Side Effect
DNP/DNAP Presentations from Across the State

Tennessee welcomes you sign at he state border

Poster Session

Posters will show advances in scientific and clinical understanding and presents or advances new ideas on any topic in the entire spectrum of the art and science of Nurse Anesthesia.

The deadline to submit a poster online has passed. You may still bring your poster to hang onsite, but your poster will not be available for the Poster Contest or in the Abstract Booklet.

Posters will be hung by magnets instead of T-pins this year.

Our TANA Partners

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An Evening Out with TANA-PAC on the Franklin Express

Let TANA shuttle you and friends to shops, restaurants, and more at one of America's favorite Main Street Districts.

Try classic Southern fare, shop local hidden gems, listen to live entertainment & everything in between as you stroll the historic streets! For a list of what Downtown Franklin has to offer visit www.visitfranklin.com!

Shuttle pass includes continuous luxury bus accommodations from Marriott Cool Springs to Downtown Franklin with beverage service provided between 5:30-11:00 pm CT.


Tickets are limited and ALL donations go to support TANA PAC.

Our Exhibitors

Anesthesia Consultants Exchange
Bell Medical and Bay State Anesthesia
Blumark Tax
Covenant Anesthesia Group
Dartmouth Health
Drager Medical
East Carolina Anesthesia Associates
Edwards Lifesciences

Heron Therapeutics
Huntsville Hospital
Karl Storz Endoscopy
LifeLinc Anesthesia
Mid-South Student Nurse Anesthesiology Foundation
Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia

North American Partners in Anesthesia
Northen Colorado Anesthesia Professionals
P&W Financial Group
Pajunk Medical Systems
Preferred Physicians Medical
Roop Financial Services
Somnia Anesthesia

TANA Wellness
Tennessee Professional Assistance Program
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
University of Alabama at Birmingham
University Anesthesia
US Anesthesia Partners
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Shot of a diverse team of doctors joining their hands together in unity

Program Committee

Thank you to the wonderful Program Committee members listed below for all of their time and effort into this year's event.

Linda Hill, CRNA, Co-Chair
Rachel Nall, CRNA, Co-Chair
Kelcy Barsotti, CRNA
Jodi Carlsen, CRNA
Taylor Cochran, SRNA
Christie Crotts, CRNA

Sheila McCarley, CRNA
Gale Rowe, CRNA
Linda Walkowicz, CRNA
Brody White, CRNA
Anastasiya Woodard, CRNA

East Tennessee Foundation

Exclusively aiding East Tennessee, this fund provides prompt and effective grants to empower local nonprofits and agencies to rescue and recover their own communities amid devastating impacts from Hurricane Helene.

Support survivors and recovery for the East Tennessee community. We are known as the “Volunteer State” for a reason.

For more information on the fund, visit the East Tennessee Foundation website.

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