TANA Board Election

TANA Board Election through October 9th! 

TANA Members: If you are an ACTIVE Certified, Recertified or Emeritus member of TANA you are eligible to vote in the election for TANA board members and the Nominating Committee.

An electronic ballot was sent to all Active and Emeritus TANA members on September 9th, and it will say it is from “TANA Election Coordinator” and comes from an email address [email protected], or from Direct Vote.  It will mention the TANA election in the subject line.

If you have NOT received a ballot (be sure to check Spam), please contact the TANA office by email at [email protected] or by calling the TANA office at 615-329-3450 and we will make certain that if you are eligible to vote, that you receive a ballot.

You ARE allowed to vote for candidates in other districts.

We have great candidates this year, so please take a moment to help choose your incoming Board! Your Vote Matters!  

The TANA Nominating Committee

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