Patty Cornwell Stewardship and Advocacy Scholarship Announced

TANA and the AANA Foundation are excited to announce that applications are now being taken for the first annual Patty Cornwell Stewardship and Advocacy Scholarship for Tennessee SRNAs. The $3,000 scholarship honors Patty Cornwell, CRNA, who has given a lifetime of service to our profession, our state association, and advocacy efforts on behalf of nurse anesthetists at the local, state and national levels.

Patty graduated from Middle Tennessee School of Nurse Anesthesia and went on to serve on every single TANA committee — including as president three times. She also served on numerous AANA committees, is an AANA Foundation Friend for Life, and in 2010 received the prestigious Ira P. Gunn Award for Outstanding Professional Advocacy from the national association. In 2015, TANA established the Patty Cornwell Practitioner of the Year Award which is presented annually to a deserving TANA CRNA in recognition of Patty’s exemplary career in nurse anesthesia.

Patty’s efforts and accomplishments have benefited thousands of CRNAs and SRNAs through the years, demonstrating how much of a difference a single dedicated, active member can make for our profession. She cites numerous influential CRNA mentors whose passion for their profession deeply influenced her own career path, and now, after decades of hard work and dedication, she too is a recognized leader and mentor deeply admired by her fellow TANA members.

“When I was pursuing my degree, my focus was always to just get through school and get a job,” says Patty. “I knew nothing about the work of the AANA or state associations at the time. After graduation, I went to work in Florida. That’s where two of my colleagues took me to a state meeting for the first time and got me interested in becoming an active member.” She never looked back!

In addition to the various elected and voluntary positions Patty has held for TANA, she has also served as the organization’s executive director, lobbyist, and federal political director at various points in her career. She currently serves as TANAs Practice Consultant.

I hope that all Tennessee SRNAs are inspired to apply for this scholarship and embrace Patty’s drive to make the nurse anesthesia profession better for all who follow.

The scholarship application will open mid-January and the deadline to apply for the scholarship is March 1, 2021. Requirements include:

  1. Being enrolled in a nurse anesthesia program located in Tennessee.
  2. Being in the second or third year of the program.
  3. A letter from the nurse anesthesia program administrator confirming you are in good standing both academically and clinically in the program and your anticipated graduation date.
  4. Proof of associate membership in the AANA.
  5. A summary of activities that demonstrate nurse anesthesia advocacy, political involvement, leadership qualities and/or service to your professional organizations.
  6. Two letters of recommendation or support from a member of the current TANA Board of Directors and a nurse anesthesia faculty member from your program.

To apply, please visit:

For additional questions, please contact [email protected]

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