Jordan Hollinshead, DNAP, CRNA, APN
Mentorship Program Coordinator & District III Director

Gale Rowe, DNAP, CRNA, APN
Mentorship Program Coordinator
TANA Mentor Program Overview
The SRNA Mentorship Program serves both the CRNAs and SRNAs of Tennessee. It allows CRNAs to learn from SRNAs, develop them as professionals, and earn Class B credits. For the SRNAs, it allows them to gain insight into the life of a CRNA, job experiences, interview questions, healthy work environment, and can offer an opportunity for employment after graduating. Overall, this program is what the CRNA and SRNA make it. SRNAs are the future of TANA and we embrace that.
The TANA Mentor Program has been developed with the following tenants:
- To Guide SRNAs
- To Protect SRNAs
- To Support SRNAs
After the senior SRNA has submitted their application, they will be paired with a CRNA in the district their program is in, or where they plan to reside/work after graduation. The CRNA and SRNA will strive for a dynamic and reciprocal relationship. Communication is encouraged to occur 1-2 times per month either in person, via phone, Zoom or text. The context of the conversation will be determined by the CRNA and SRNA. It might range from clinical, recruitment financial planning, interviews or board preparation. The goal is for the CRNA to guide the SRNA outside of the classroom and clinical setting.
CRNA Role:The TANA Mentorship Program Coordinators, along with TANA District Directors will serve as the primary contact person for their District. They will oversee the assignment of the SRNA to CRNA after reviewing the SRNAs application. They both will recruit other CRNAs to be involved. These CRNAs will include the District Education Chair, local Chief CRNAs and Program Directors for consult for eligible mentors. The CRNA will be held accountable for being available, receptive and responsive to the SRNA they are paired with. A CRNA will be assigned no more than 5 SRNAs. The CRNA is encouraged to have a group meeting with all of the SRNAs they are paired with every quarter.
SRNA Role: SRNAs will complete an application that will be reviewed. Once they are accepted, they will contribute a one-time membership fee of $25. The SRNA will initiate communication with the CRNA once they have been assigned. The SRNA makes effort to reach out to the CRNA frequently. Should issues or concerns arise, the SRNA is to contact their TANA District Director or the Mentorship Coordinators. The SRNA will be asked to complete an exit survey after they graduate and to provide feedback about the program.