Efficient Anesthesia Staffing Is a Win-Win for Patients and Facilities

The financial side of the healthcare industry continues to be a hot topic for consumers and healthcare administrators alike. Rising costs, facility closings especially in rural areas, and the needs of an aging population dominate the headlines at healthcare institutions.
Balancing patient care with cost-effectiveness can be a difficult and delicate position for healthcare administrators, who often need to make tough choices. The key is evaluating the facility as a whole — all of its services, departments and staff — and making those pieces fit in the most worthwhile way. An often-elusive goal is arriving at a staffing model that balances patient care with cost, so the facility is functioning at maximum efficiency while providing high quality care.
One vital piece of this puzzle is anesthesia. Developed by the AANA, the Efficiency-driven Anesthesia Model (EDAM) approaches anesthesia staffing in such a way that makes the most of limited resources while ensuring high quality and access to care. AANA published a MAT release (sponsored-content) educating healthcare administrators and the general public about EDAM that was placed in 1,032 publications nationwide. Read the article here.
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