CPC Core Modules—Special Offer Only for TANA Members

CPC Core Modules Bundle—

Special Offer for TANA Members

TANA Members: Take advantage of this great new benefit of membership from your state association!

Now you can purchase the newly revised and redesigned AANA 2020 CPC Core Modules Bundle for just $220. That’s a $79 savings off the current AANA price of $299.

The Core Modules will be required for the first time as part of your second 4-year CPC cycle. For some CRNAs, the second cycle starts in 2020, for others in 2021. Not sure when your second cycle starts? Find out at https://www.nbcrna.com/.

As a service to our members, TANA purchased 170 bundles (called “seats”) from AANA at a steep discount to save you money while raising funds to benefit the state association. Hats off to AANA for this win-win-win strategy!

Frequently asked questions about the Core Modules

Does the AANA’s revised and redesigned (new) Core Modules Bundle meet the requirements for me as a CRNA in my SECOND 4-year cycle of the CPC program?

  • Yes! During your first 4-year cycle, Core Modules were optional. However, the Core Modules will be mandatory for your second 4-year cycle which begins in 2020 or 2021, depending on your certification date.

Newly licensed CRNAs who earn their initial certification on or after 1/1/2020 will be required to complete Core Modules every four years, beginning with their first 4-year cycle of the CPC Program. 

Can CRNAs who have NOT started their SECOND 4-year cycle begin using the Core Modules NOW?

  • You can purchase the new Core Modules Bundle now, and even go through the modules if you would like, but you cannot complete the modules (take and pass the test) until you are in your second 4-year cycle. The date that the credit is earned is what counts.

Can I receive Class A Credits with the new Core Modules Bundle?

  • Once the Core Modules become active in fall 2020 you will be eligible for up to 14 Class A credits which will be applied to your 4-year cycle after you take the test.

Can I purchase the new Core Modules Bundle if I still have another year before starting my second 4-year cycle (2021)?

  • The new Core Modules fulfill the CPC Program’s 2020 AND 2021 Core Modules requirement, so you can purchase now to receive the savings even though you won’t begin using the modules until 2021. 

Highlights of the Core Modules

  • 4-part bundle covers topics required by the NBCRNA
  • Automatic transmission of CE to the NBCRNA for AANA members
  • Reference materials available for download
  • Micro-learning scenarios can be completed in 5-15 minutes
  • Up to 14 hours of online learning for Class A continuing education credit
  • Formatted for PC, Mac, iOS and Android


Definition of CPC Core Modules

The NBCRNA defines Core Modules as specialized Class A credit “CE programs that address the four areas of anesthesia practice which apply to all CRNAs, regardless of practice focus: Airway Management; Applied Clinical Pharmacology; Human Physiology and Pathophysiology; and Anesthesia Equipment and Technology.” The Class A credits earned through completing Core Modules also count toward a CRNA’s Class A credit requirement.

For more information on CPC Core Modules go to www.nbcrna.com.

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