Consider Serving In A TANA Leadership Role!

Calling all TANA members!

The 2020 TANA Board election will be here before you know it. Now is the time to consider running for office to represent the over 2,200 TANA member CRNAs and SRNAs in the great state of Tennessee.

What do your credentials mean?

  • First and foremost, it means proven safe and effective care for all patients based on our education, training, and experience. Be proud of that!
  • Second, as CRNAs, we are professionals, bound by a Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice that safeguards the public.
  • Finally, being a CRNA means being committed to promoting, protecting, and advancing our profession through leadership.

Having become a CRNA, your credentials already encompass the first two points. What many may be missing is the third key thing – involvement and leadership roles. There are many reasons why people choose not to become involved such as perceived time commitment, fear of failure, and finally….. overall apathy. Once you have decided to serve, you may find the time commitment is not as great as you think. If it is failure you fear, there are others on the Board who will help guide you, so you will succeed. In overcoming apathy, the best way is to be active in the process.

Can you help secure our future? Are you willing to serve? Please take time to consider putting your name on the ballot.

TANA is looking to fill the following positions:

  • President Elect (must have served one complete elected term on the TANA board previously to run for this office). One-year term and then becomes TANA President the next year.
  • District I Director- Memphis area. Must live in the district. Two-year term.
  • District III Director- Middle TN.  Must live in the district. Two-year term.
  • District V Director- Knoxville/East TN area. Must live in the district. Two-year term.
  • TANA Nominating Committee Members (three needed). One-year term.

Find which district you live in if you are uncertain!

To run as a candidate, a TANA Intent to Serve Form must be submitted to the TANA office no later than July 15th per the TANA Bylaws.  Fill out the online form.

Another way to become involved is by chairing or serving on committees. Check out the list of committees on the TANA website and email us at [email protected] if you are interested or have questions about which may be right for you.  Students are welcome as well!


TANA Nominating Committee

Katie Walker, CRNA, Chair
Jordan Frenz, CRNA
Leilani Hebert, CRNA

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