2021 Continuing Education Form First Name*Last Name*Email* AANA ID*Important: This form is to record your CE’s earned during the meeting. Check the box next to the sessions you attended over the weekend. You must also fill out the TANA Learner Assessment & Program Evaluation for each session you attended to receive CE credit.Educational LecturesFriday, October 15, 2021 Now Loading: Teaching Today's SRNA to be Tomorrow's CRNA Preceptor PTSD Survival Basics Virtual Reality & the Future of Anesthesia Education Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the AANA The Shape of You: Difficult Anatomy in tMechanical Ventilation and Radiology Interpretation Use of Vasorpessin for Refractory Hypotension and Clevidipine for Persistent Hypertension Caring for the Parturient with Co-Morbidities Saturday, October 16, 2021 Ketamine - The Revolutionary Disruptor? AANA State Update Anesthesia Payment Regulations and CRNA Practice, Part 1 Difficult Airway Strategies Lobbyist Update Anesthesia Payment Regulations and CRNA Practice, Part 2 Common Post-Anesthesia Complications in Children Sunday, October 17, 2021 Perioperative Pain Adjuncts for Children NBCRNA and CPC Updates Anesthesia Pharm Update DNP/DNAP Presentations Sunday, October 17, 2021 ACLS/BLS Recertification PALS/BLS Recertification This program has been prior approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists for 20.75 Class A CE credits; Code Number 1041317; Expiration Date 10/17/2021. AANA designates this program as meeting the criteria for up to 3.50 CE Credits in pharmacology/therapeutics.Pharmacology/Therapeutics CE CreditsTotal CE Credits